
Why is it important to have your kitten registered? What's registration papers, blueslips, breeder slips..
Lets make sense of it all
Cat Associations

There are cat associations all through out the world that are responsible for maintaining registries of cat breeds. They also hold the cat shows, award titles, decide specifics about breed standards, educate, inform along with many other actions all to benefit cats. When you hear TICA (the world cat association) or CFA (Cat Fanciers Association) these are just a few examples of some of the associations. There is not one association that is better than the other. They all come with their own set of rules and regulations to adhere too.
Imagine soda pop being the cat association. there is different flavors like pepsi, coke, dr.pepper, rootbeer etc They are all pop and it's just a preference which you prefer.

We are associates of these three cat associations. We like TICA(the international cat association) and CFA(Cat Fanciers Association) because they are older and well established associations with lots of shows in our area. We also like LWCC (loving cats world wide) because it has a fresh modern vibe, amazing, entertaining and by far the best cat shows and they also allow mink ragdolls (Cherubim's) to compete for titles. Our Cattery is registered with all three of these which means we register our kittens in their registries.

When we have a litter with our Traditional or Mink Ragdolls we register the litter with TICA and CFA. We have recently started to register our Mink Ragdolls with LWCC as Cherubim's as this is a classic name used by the creator of the ragdoll breed ann baker for the mink bloodlines.
When you pick up your kitten you will either receive the registration slip for your kitten or a breeder slip so you can register the kitten in one of the cat associations we are affiliated with.

It's important to be aware that a registered ragdoll means that a breeder is following a set of ethical guidelines and adhering to the breed standards and breeding with an awareness of the specific genetic congenital issues associated with the breed. Without the proper registration papers there is no proof that you are receiving a purebred ragdoll. Anyone can sell you a kitten and say it's a ragdoll but regardless of it's appearance without the proper paper work to back it up it's just a domestic cat with an unknown and untraceable history. It's the same with all pedigreed animals.